
问题一:保持用英文怎么说后面加什么介词? To keep (adj. held, holding, n. preservation, retention) +介词

问题二:保持一致用英语怎么说? To keep consistent / To keep pace with (与……保持一致)

问题三:使什么保持干净用英文说短语。 What keeps it clean? (使什么保持干净)

问题四:让一切东西都保持原状吧用英语怎么说? Let all things keep the original state / Let all keep the original state / Let all keep the status quo ante.

问题五:让窗户保持开着。用英语怎么说? Keep the window open.

问题六:使人保持温暖用英语怎么说? To keep warm

问题七:保持新鲜用英文怎么翻译? Keep fresh

问题八:经常锻炼会使你保持活跃用英语怎么说? Regular exercise will keep you active.

问题九:保持身材用英语怎么说? Keep fit / Figure-keeping / Keep in shape